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Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Umbrella Name Suggestions!!

We have received many wonderful umbrella name suggestions. Please remember that you have until June 2, 2010 to submit names via our website under Umbrella Name Suggestions Registration or mail your suggestions to our office at 2801 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 216 Arlington, VA 22201. Please feel free to submit more than one idea.

Here is the complete list of names we have received so far!
  • Academy Latino of Escuela Bolivia  or in Spanish, Academia Latina de Escuela Bolivia (ALEB)
  • Celebrating Education for Latinos at Escuela Bolivia (CELEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia: Latinos Excelling in Academic Development (EB LEADs)
  • Escuela Bolivia: Latinos for Education and Academic Success (EB LEADs)
  • Escuela Bolivia: Empowering Latinos Internationally Through Education (EB ELITE)
  • Escuela Bolivia Stars (EB - Stars)
  • Empowering Latinos at Escuela Bolivia (ELEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia - Latinoamericana   (EBLA)
  • Instituto Educativo Boliviano - Latinoamericano   (INEDBOLA)
  • Programs that Uplift at Escuela Bolivia for Latinos to Overachieve (PUEBLO)
  • Programs Uplifting Escuela Bolivia’s Latinos to be Outstanding (PUEBLO)
  • Programs United for Escuela Bolivia’s Latinos and Others (PUEBLO)
  • EscueLatina (or EscueLatino)
  • Latin Destinations, Inc.
  • Little Giant Academy
  • Escuela Bolivar
  • Escuela Boliviana Panamericana
  • Casa Latina, Inc.
  • Escuela Paz
  • Americas School (Escuela de las Americas)
  • Jaime Escalante Institute of Escuela Bolivia
  • Escuela Jaime Escalante, Latinoamericana   (EJELA)
  • Escuela Jaime Escalante   EJE (Education is at the center of progress)
  • Escuela Latinoamericana Jaime Escalante   (ELAJE)
  • Instituto Profesor Jaime Escalante
  • Escalante School of Escuela Bolivia (ESEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia Jaime Escalante
  • Escabolante

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