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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Highlights from Escuela Bolivia's Closing Ceremony!

Today we finished another session of Escuela Bolivia at Claremont Elementary School. Parents, supporters, teachers, students, community members, and representatives of Arlington Public Schools participated in the celebration. This included Claremont Elementary School's Principal Cintia Johnson, Arlington Public Schools' Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy, and School Board Member Dr. Emma Violand-Sanchez who is also a founder of Escuela Bolivia.

In his welcoming speech, Escuela Bolivia's Vice-Principal Augusto Wayar emphasized the debt of gratitude we owe to all who in one way or the other have contributed to the success of our program and shared that "we have begun to build the foundation of a strong education for them [students], one that will reap bountiful rewards in the near future. The day that our children find opportunities and success in their professional lives is not too far away."

Our Executive Director Eneida Alcalde thanked parents for understanding that it is a gift to be bilingual and indicated that research "shows that learning a second language has a positive effect on intellectual growth, opens doors to other cultures, and helps us understand and appreciate people from other countries." Dr. Pat Murphy was given a gift from Escuela Bolivia in appreciation of our longstanding partnership with Arlington Public Schools and Principal Cintia Johnson and President Kathie Panfil were also recognized for their commitment to the organization.

The students debuted the school's anthem, presented dances, and even sang in a duet. At the end of the program, all shared a lunch. We have included pictures and video highlights of our closing ceremony below.

Thank you to everyone who makes Escuela Bolivia a very special place! Have a wonderful summer break and see you again next fall for the new school year!

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