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Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Umbrella Name Suggestions!!

We have received many wonderful umbrella name suggestions. Please remember that you have until June 2, 2010 to submit names via our website under Umbrella Name Suggestions Registration or mail your suggestions to our office at 2801 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 216 Arlington, VA 22201. Please feel free to submit more than one idea.

Here is the complete list of names we have received so far!
  • Academy Latino of Escuela Bolivia  or in Spanish, Academia Latina de Escuela Bolivia (ALEB)
  • Celebrating Education for Latinos at Escuela Bolivia (CELEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia: Latinos Excelling in Academic Development (EB LEADs)
  • Escuela Bolivia: Latinos for Education and Academic Success (EB LEADs)
  • Escuela Bolivia: Empowering Latinos Internationally Through Education (EB ELITE)
  • Escuela Bolivia Stars (EB - Stars)
  • Empowering Latinos at Escuela Bolivia (ELEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia - Latinoamericana   (EBLA)
  • Instituto Educativo Boliviano - Latinoamericano   (INEDBOLA)
  • Programs that Uplift at Escuela Bolivia for Latinos to Overachieve (PUEBLO)
  • Programs Uplifting Escuela Bolivia’s Latinos to be Outstanding (PUEBLO)
  • Programs United for Escuela Bolivia’s Latinos and Others (PUEBLO)
  • EscueLatina (or EscueLatino)
  • Latin Destinations, Inc.
  • Little Giant Academy
  • Escuela Bolivar
  • Escuela Boliviana Panamericana
  • Casa Latina, Inc.
  • Escuela Paz
  • Americas School (Escuela de las Americas)
  • Jaime Escalante Institute of Escuela Bolivia
  • Escuela Jaime Escalante, Latinoamericana   (EJELA)
  • Escuela Jaime Escalante   EJE (Education is at the center of progress)
  • Escuela Latinoamericana Jaime Escalante   (ELAJE)
  • Instituto Profesor Jaime Escalante
  • Escalante School of Escuela Bolivia (ESEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia Jaime Escalante
  • Escabolante

Monday, May 17, 2010

Update: Umbrella Name Suggestions

We have already received creative umbrella name suggestions. Here are a few:

  • Celebrating Education for Latinos at Escuela Bolivia (CELEB)
  • Instituto Profesor Jaime Escalante
  • Little Giant Academy
  • Escuela Bolivar
  • Escuela Boliviana Panamericana
  • Casa Latina, Inc.
  • Empowering Latinos at Escuela Bolivia (ELEB)
  • Escuela Bolivia - Latinoamericana (EBLA)
  • Escalante School of Escuela Bolivia (ESEB)
  • Escabolante

What do you think??? Do these ideas reflect our mission? Are they easy to recognize in English and Spanish?

If you also want to add your ideas to our growing list, please do so by June 2, 2010! You can give your name suggestions by visiting our website under Umbrella Name Suggestions Registration or mail your suggestions to our office at 2801 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 216 Arlington, VA 22201. Please feel free to submit more than one idea.

Also, the Board of Directors will be hosting an open meeting to discuss previous name suggestions, and make new ones. This meeting will be held at the Shirlington Library Meeting Room, 4200 Campbell Avenue, Arlington, VA 22206 from 11:00am to 12:30pm. You can register for the meeting at this link.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Request for Umbrella Name Suggestions

As previously announced on our website, the Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution to seek an umbrella name that will accurately reflect who we are, what we do and where we are going as an organization. The Board is now seeking the creativity of everyone in our community and is asking for your suggestions for an umbrella name. The Suggested Umbrella Names List will be displayed on this blog site

When making your suggestions, please note that the Board’s selection criteria will be based, among other things, on how well the inclusive umbrella name reflects:
1) our education mission,
2) our focus on Latinos,
3) our Bolivian heritage,
4) easy recognition and pronunciation in English and Spanish.

Above all, we are looking for fresh ideas and novel uses of words. Acronyms with creative meanings can also be submitted, but please make sure to identify what each letter means. For example, the acronym CELEB can mean "Celebrating Education for Latinos at Escuela Bolivia".

To add your suggestions to the list of names to be considered, please submit your suggestions by June 2, 2010 via our website under Umbrella Name Suggestions Registration, or mail your suggestions to our office at 2801 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 216 Arlington, VA 22201. Please feel free to submit more than one idea. All suggestions will be taken into consideration and your information will remain anonymous to the broader community.

On Saturday June 5, 2010, Escuela Bolivia’s Board of Directors will be hosting an open meeting to discuss previous suggestions, and make new ones. This meeting will be held at the Shirlington Library Meeting Room, 4200 Campbell Avenue, Arlington, VA 22206 from 11:00am to 12:30pm. The Board hopes to select an umbrella name by the end of June.

We at Escuela Bolivia look forward to receiving your creative suggestions! At the end of the process we hope to find an umbrella name that all can identify with and be proud of.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Highlights from Escuela Bolivia's Closing Ceremony!

Today we finished another session of Escuela Bolivia at Claremont Elementary School. Parents, supporters, teachers, students, community members, and representatives of Arlington Public Schools participated in the celebration. This included Claremont Elementary School's Principal Cintia Johnson, Arlington Public Schools' Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy, and School Board Member Dr. Emma Violand-Sanchez who is also a founder of Escuela Bolivia.

In his welcoming speech, Escuela Bolivia's Vice-Principal Augusto Wayar emphasized the debt of gratitude we owe to all who in one way or the other have contributed to the success of our program and shared that "we have begun to build the foundation of a strong education for them [students], one that will reap bountiful rewards in the near future. The day that our children find opportunities and success in their professional lives is not too far away."

Our Executive Director Eneida Alcalde thanked parents for understanding that it is a gift to be bilingual and indicated that research "shows that learning a second language has a positive effect on intellectual growth, opens doors to other cultures, and helps us understand and appreciate people from other countries." Dr. Pat Murphy was given a gift from Escuela Bolivia in appreciation of our longstanding partnership with Arlington Public Schools and Principal Cintia Johnson and President Kathie Panfil were also recognized for their commitment to the organization.

The students debuted the school's anthem, presented dances, and even sang in a duet. At the end of the program, all shared a lunch. We have included pictures and video highlights of our closing ceremony below.

Thank you to everyone who makes Escuela Bolivia a very special place! Have a wonderful summer break and see you again next fall for the new school year!