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Friday, April 8, 2011

Our Empowered Fathers: José Vásquez

Aquí le presentamos la historia de uno de nuestros padres más extraordinarios. Son padres como José Vásquez que nos dan la esperanza que nuestros esfuerzos están teniendo resultados dentro de la comunidad. 

"Para mi se ha echo súper difícil combinar mi trabajo mis estudios y mi familia y las acciones extracurriculares. Normalmente me levanto a los 3:30  estoy trabajando en Baltimore esta lejos pero no hay de otra. Trabajo de 5 AM a 1 PM luego viajo de regreso para hacer mis trabajos propios o mis tareas mientras se llega la hora de ir a clases  mis clases normales son de 5:30 a 9:10 luego regreso a mi casa para seguir con mis tareas hablar con mi familia para acostarme hora normal a las 11:00 si es que no llego a la 12. ¿Como resisto? No lo se. Solo se que lo tengo que hacer y que pronto terminare mi estudios secundarios.

Creo que mi cuerpo se ha acostumbrado aunque talvez vez mas tarde me lo cobre.  pero tengo en mente que esto es lo mejor para poder sacar adelante a mi familia. sábado normalmente trabajo pero si tengo alguna reunión del Latino Network o el Dream Project voy a ellas. el domingo normalmente trato de dedicarlo a mi familia y jugar fútbol pero es difícil por que siempre hay trabajo o tareas que hacer. Luego a comenzar otra vez la rutina. A veces quisiera que durara mas el día , así tener mas tiempo para hacer las cosas. También a veces quisiera descansar un poquito mas. Sin embargo, al final mis hijas son mi mayor consuelo para cualquier problema.

Quisiera contarle toda mi historia para que me pudiera entender , nada mas hoy, mañana y pasado trabajare en un trabajo por lo menos 12 horas seguidas si ganare un poco de dinero extra pero sacrifico otras cosas como dedicarle tiempo a mis trabajos y mi familia pero no tengo opción. El trabajo esta escaso para nosotros y hay que aprovechar toda oportunidad que se pueda. Se que podré  ponerme al día en la siguiente semana aunque ya se acercan muchas fechas de entrega.

Gracias por  el honor que me hacen". 

 We would like to share the story of one of the most exemplary fathers in our community. It’s efforts like his that make us realize the work done within our organization is worthwhile. We thank him for sharing his perseverance and inspiring story of fatherhood.

“When I arrived to the United States, it was I against the world. I think back to the events that lead me here, and I realize how far I have already come.

In El Salvador I was ready and excited to go to college. I knew exactly what I wanted to study – computer engineering. Mom and Dad had worked very hard to give me a home, an education, clothing and anything I needed. I could not have asked for more.  Then suddenly, everything changed. My girlfriend became pregnant and my world came crashing down. I knew that mom and dad would be angry and disappointed with my actions.  I thought about my options.

I came here to the United States, to start from below zero. My girlfriend and I rented a small room without heating. We often times did not have enough food and suffered hunger. We could not communicate with others because we did not speak English. I was isolated and rejected by my boss for being weak. Finding work in general was next to impossible.  
During some nights I cried alone and I wondered why this happened to me. What was the purpose of life? If I, myself, even had a purpose? It is hard to admit but I even thought about suicide, but God did not allow it. I decided I had to improve my situation -- to go back to school to at least learn how to speak English, and gain access to better opportunities. I decided to go to high school at night to finish high school. In school, I learned that I was not alone in my problems; many people had them. In spite of these hardships, we all worked to overcome them, and to achieve the successes we each dreamed of.

I am inspired by my peers, and also by the great leaders who have walked before us, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for all of the hardship he endured. Dr. King was a fearless leader and example for all of us. He fought for justice, and today, we do the same.  

Today we stand here to fight for the right to pursue our dreams to help not only ourselves but others in our communities Standing here in front of you and bearing witness to God I know that I am not alone.  “I have the dignity to accept that I have made some mistakes, but the belief that the justice I seek is real. Dr. King has inspired this nation to fight for all people’s dreams. Impossible as it used to be for white and black little children to hold hands, it appears that it is impossible for my friends and I to continue on our paths toward success. I know this is not impossible with your help we will pursue our dreams of equity and social justice for all.

Thanks for giving me this great honor."

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